For Immediate Release
December 19, 2004
Contact: De Santos Gallery
(713) 520-1200


De Santos Gallery and L2 Gallery are presenting a juried pinhole photography show for April 2005. This show will highlight the diversity of pinhole photography throughout the world. The exhibit will offer many opportunities for pinhole photographers to display their work through a month long show to be hosted by De Santos Gallery. De Santos Gallery has established its self has the premiere photography gallery in Houston.

The show is open to any photographic artists working with pinhole imagery. The show will contain twenty artists exhibiting one to five images selected by the jurors. The jurors of this show will be Luis A. de Santos, Gemma T. de Santos and Alan Schwab. The overall theme of the show will be open to all and any categories of pinhole photography.

Artist are requested to submit 35mm slides or images on CD for consideration. NO PRINTS WILL BE ACCEPTED AT THIS TIME.

Works that are accepted must be matted/mounted professionally and not exceed a finished size of 20x24 inches. The details for presentation will be sent upon acceptance. DeSantos Gallery encourages that artists adopt a standard mount/mat size such as 11x14, 14x18,or 16x20. All photographs should be mounted on white or natural board.

All entries must be postmarked and submitted by December 31,2004. All entries must be clearly labeled with name, size and title. There will be a limit of 25 slides per artist. All submissions should be accompanied of a self addressed stamped envelop or include a completed UPS or FEDEX return form otherwise the work would not be returned.

For additional information please contact Luis A. de Santos of De Santos Gallery at 713 520 1200. Please send all submissions to:

Pinhole Submission/De Santos Gallery
1724 Richmond Ave.
Houston, Texas 77098.